[attachment=1270][attachment=1270]بچهها این مطالب هم از کتاب استالینگ هست یک نگاهی بهش بکنید و نظر بدید
من عکسشم براتون میذارم
صفحه ۱۱۸ chapter3
Similarly, a process exits a system in two stages. First, a process is terminated
when it reaches a natural completion point, when it aborts due to an unrecoverable
error, or when another process with the appropriate authority causes the process to
abort. Termination moves the process to the exit state. At this point, the process is
no longer eligible for execution. The tables and other information associated with
the job are temporarily preserved by the OS, which provides time for auxiliary or
support programs to extract any needed information. For example, an accounting
program may need to record the processor time and other resources utilized by the
process for billing purposes. A utility program may need to extract information
about the history of the process for purposes related to performance or utilization
analysis. Once these programs have extracted the needed information, the OS no
longer needs to maintain any data relating to the process and the process is deleted
from the system.
البته این هم اعتراف میکنم که سوالم یکم واضح نبوده و بابت این موضوع اگه مشکل داشتید معذرت میخوام
دقت کنید که فقط از حالت اجرا میریم به حالت خروج