Abstract: Patients with sever posterior uveitis and/or retinal vasculitis, and unresponsive to oral cytatoxic drugs and/or high doses steroids, were selected for this study. Pulse cyclophosphamide (PCP) was performed by perfusion of 1 g cyclophosphalnide per square meter of body surface in 500 ml of normal saline. PCP was repeated every month after a new evaluation of the patient. 30 mg of prednisolone/day was also given. Actually 102 patients are receiving this treatment. Among them 34 patients received 6 PCP or more. In the 68 evaluated eyes, the mean value of the visual acuity improved from 3.3 to 3.9 (paired t test: 2.164, p<0.05). Posterior uveitis also improved (t= 5.275), p<0.0005), while the mean value of activity index for retinal vascultis remained unchanged. The obtained results demonstrates the efficacy of this method. Full data will be discussed.